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Try out these five vinyasa variations and re-ignite your breath

Writer's picture: Marda ZechielMarda Zechiel

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

I hope you are all staying safe and sane! For me, I really need the freedom to breathe and there is nothing better than getting outside in a favorite space to feel the freedom of taking full deep breaths without fear to do so. A true mind-body reset. Find a safe space and take the mask off to breathe fully and move with freedom with these Sun A / vinyasa variations. Each variation is in this video- Vinyasa Variations with a timestamp (next to each variation below) for when it starts. Move, feel and truly breathe with me!

In Addition, vinyasa or Sun A’s are great warm ups for any fitness class or sport.

Check out these 5 variations.

Each pose can be held for several breaths. When moving to the next posture connect to the breath. For example: stay here and inhale, then exhale as you move into “next posture”

Breathing…….. Remember this:

Inhale – Expanding, lifting, lengthening

Exhale – Contraction (folding or twisting), lowering, effort

*As you move into each posture with the below vinyasa variations start with the part of breath before the posture. This works whether you are moving one breath to movement or if you are holding the posture for more full breaths. Connect with the part of breath with the pose before moving into the next. (For example: If you are in ragdoll for 5 to 10 breaths then bring your feet together or hip width and Inhale as you move back up to Mountain pose.)

1. 🧘‍♀️ Outside Vinyasa - Standing Sun A (no mat needed) video time 0

*Sun Salutations outside can be amazing for your body and mind. Pay extra attention to taking in big, full breaths of fresh air. (Especially with Covid forcing us to wear masks and limiting our ability and fear of taking full breaths)

Doing this Variation of vinyasa outside can help warm our bodies up, get a dose of sunshine and the freedom to take FULL chest expanding inhales and complete release of our exhales. This variation can be done before a walk, hike, bike or run.

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: hands to heart ❤️ center (anjali mudra)

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms and open heart

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Side bends (drop right hand to side and lift and open left hand to the right

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Side bends (drop right hand to side and lift and open left hand to the left

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms, and open heart to the sky and squeeze shoulder blades together

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

* rag doll - widen stance and explore different variations of ragdoll. Move into this posture slowly with feet wide, knees bent, release your head and neck and then build from there.

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

*1st time through- Rag doll

  1. connect torso to thigh bones

  2. Bring hands to floor

  3. Shift weight from heels to toes several times and then ground down through the four corners of each foot.

  4. Bring weight distribution evenly on each foot and bring hands to opposite elbows (stay still in rag doll for 5 breaths )

  5. Drop hands to the ground and sway from side to side (like seaweed)

  6. Bring left hand to center of stance and slightly bend left knee. Inhale: twist bringing right hand to the sky. Rotate wrist and shoulder. Stay here and inhale as you open the right side of your chest and shoulder. Exhaling come back into a forward fold.

  7. Bring feet back together

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: hands to heart ❤️ center

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms and open heart

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Side bends (drop right hand to side and lift and open left hand to the right

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Side bends (drop right hand to side and lift and open left hand to the left

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms, and open heart to the sky and squeeze shoulder blades together

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Repeat 5 more times. Focus on deep full inhalation and complete exhalations.

2. 🧘‍♂️ Gentle vinyasa video time 5:14

I love this version when I am tight and sore from hiking or Alignment yoga sculpt classes. I use this variation with my more restorative and gentle flow classes.

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms and open heart

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

*first time through stop here and widen stance for rag doll- hold for 5 to 10 breaths - option to add neck traction, shoulder stretch and/or twist

Bring feet back together or hip width

Inhale: halfway lift

Exhale: step back to high plank (stack joints here and actively push floor away)

Inhale: drop knees to the mat - keeping toes tucked

Exhale: press back into a child’s pose variation

(keeping hands and fingers pressed into mat and sending hips back)

Inhale: come back through a table top variation - rounding back (cat like)

Exhale: back into downward facing dog (adho muhka svanasana) *first time through hold and pedal it out. After pedal out. Bend both knees and press chest toward thighs, opening the middle of the upper back.

Inhale: look forward and step to top of mat

Exhale: forward fold

Inhale: Mountain pose

*repeat 5 to 10 times

3.🧘‍♀️ Cobra variation vinyasa video time 8:47

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Drop right hand to side and lift and lengthen through left side body and bend to the right

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: Drop left hand to side and lift and lengthen through left side body and bend to the left

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: cactus arms and open heart

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: high plank (on toes or knees) and lower down all the way to the mat with control

Inhale: up into cobra (bhujangasana)

Exhale: lower back down to mat

*first time through repeat cobra 5x inhaling as you come up and exhaling as you lower down

Inhale: back up to plank (on toes or knees)

Exhale: back to downward facing dog (adho muhka svanasana)

Inhale: bend knees and look forward -Transition to top of the mat

Exhale: step to the top of the mat.

Inhale: halfway lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

*first time through stop here and widen stance for rag doll- hold for 5 to 10 breaths - option to add shoulder stretch

Inhale: reverse swan dive up back to Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

*repeat 5 to 10 times

4.🧘‍♂️ Standard vinyasa- video time 10:56

*typically used in Vinyasa and Ashtanga style yoga classes.

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale:hands to heart (Anjali mudra)

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

*first time through rag doll

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: step or jump back - (if you jump back make sure to land with elbows slightly bent to protect elbow joint) high plank (on toes or knees) to chaturanga dandasana * do not go past a 90 degree angle in the elbows or collapse shoulders forward. Keep elbows in to your sides like a tricep pushup.

See chaturanga tutorial below ** I did this incorrectly for many years! Fix it now …. Or do not do it at all! See if you can pause in Chaturanga and check yourself in the mirror. Do this on your knees until you build strength and correct alignment.

Inhale: upward facing dog (urdhva Mukha svanasana)

Exhale: downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)

Inhale: bend knees and look forward -Transition to top of the mat

Exhale: jump or step to the top of the mat.

Inhale: halfway lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana) *first time through stop here and widen stance for rag doll- hold for 5 to 10 breaths - option to add shoulder stretch

Inhale: reverse swan dive up back to Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

*repeat 5 to 10 times

5. 🧘‍♂️ Standard Vinyasa plus (athletic version) video time 12:49

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: hands to heart center (Anjali mudra)

Inhale: Mountain pose (urdhva hastasana)

Exhale: forward fold (uttanasana)

*Rag doll first time through

Inhales: half-way lift (ardha uttanasana)

Exhale: step or jump back to plank/ chaturanga dandasana

Inhale: upward facing dog (urdhva Muhka svanasana)

Exhale: downward facing dog (adho muhka svanasana)

Inhale: come up into toes

Exhale: lead with shoulders and come into high plank and bring heels to touch

Inhale: drop heals to left and come into side plank ( 🌈 hips up, shoulder and wrist in alignment)

Exhale: lift top leg

Inhale: bend top leg knee and using your abdominals bring your foot around to top of mat

Exhale: landing in low lunge position (foot on the inside of right thumb)

Inhale: step to the top of mat, collect your feet together and bring hand to your shins (or floor) halfway lift

Exhale: forward fold (releasing head and neck), bending knees as needed

*repeat on other side from the top

In peace and kindness,


Ps. I love learning and exploring new variations of Sun A. Let me know in the FB page if you have a variation you would like to share.

Pss.Savasana song I am loving:💖 Check out this song on spotify. 🎵


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