Yoga Sculpt Shorts are 10 to 15 minute sessions that will tone your body by utilizing combination exercises to get a lot done fast. Make sure to do a warm up before starting the workout. For example do this after a bit of cardio (walking, running etc.) or do 5 to 10 Sun Salutations. Hint: The start of class is composed of a sun salutation (also called a vinyasa). Tip: If you want to warm up with Sun Salutations, turn off the video until you have down 5 to 10. Grab 3 to 5 lb. dumbbells and a yoga mat for today's practice.
Today's short is composed of combination exercises based on Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon) posture.
If you are interested in learning how to teach Yoga Sculpt check out this page for Alignment Yoga Sculpt (AYS) Teacher Training.
Want to try a full class? Take a look at this page for many options:
Check out the playlist of all my Yoga Sculpt Shorts
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In Gratitude,
#yogasculpt #yogasculptshorts #thepowerofyoga #yogawithweights #yogastrong #vinyasayogawith weights #combinationexercises #strength #flexibility #mobility #rangeofmotion #lowimpacthighintensity #totalbodyworkout